Linklist for this issue

  • Nizkor is a Canadian project which, with the help of counter-information, is taking the wind out of Holocaust deniers’ sails, i.e. is refuting their nonsense. Some of the people working on the project speak out against the restrictions on freedom of speech, extolling instead the virtues of a »free marketplace of ideas«. All the sites on which Nizkor provides information and which publish counter-perspectives are linked to the Nizkor sites. They demand the same in return from the Holocaust deniers, i.e. that they also publish or at least provide links to counter-positions. What’s more, they challenge Holocaust deniers to justify their views in forums. On the one hand, general statements denying the Holocaust are refuted and on the other, they respond more specifically to individual Holocaust deniers like Ernst Zündel or David Irving.
  • On this website, created by the initiative »blick nach rechts« (»look to the right«) of the Deutschen Druck- and Verlagsgesellschaft (German Print and Publishing Society), who are close to the SPD (Social Democratic Party), you can find many articles on Nazis on the net, far-right websites, providers that offer their services to Nazis, and information on the current legal status of these issues in the Federal Republic of Germany. In addition to information on far-right activities, they offer help in argumentation against Nazi propaganda with, among other things, a game: »Ploppattack« is about »plopping away« dull Nazi speech bubbles with the right counter-argument. (Article on Ploppattack in Jungle World (a German leftist periodical))
  • Representatives of the internet industry, joined by other associations and individuals, founded »no abuse in internet« in August, 2000, in order to develop and implement measures against the abuse of the internet. Their avowed goal is internet education and work on relevant legal and technical measures. There is also an article on various types of filter software programs and a newsletter with information on abuse in the internet by right-wing extremists (among others), but also on positive democratic events and developments in the net.
  • Extensive video and textual documentation of the »Kongress gegen Rechtsextremismus« ("Congress against Right-Wing Extremism), which took place from March 19 – 21, 2001, in Leipzig. One of the main issues addressed by the Congress was far-right material on the net and how young people can be protected from it. Numerous video interviews are available with experts speaking on a variety of issues, including Friedemann Schindler from
  • The website of the Netz gegen Rechtsextremismus, (Net against Right-Wing Extremism), an information portal against the right-wing extremism of German-language newspapers, agencies and broadcasters, offers numerous short summaries and newspaper articles on the topic of Nazis on the net under the keyword, »Internetzensur« (internet censorship).
  • A number of short texts on Nazis on the net, e.g. on Anti-Antifa (the anti-antifascist movement), the German-language Blood and Honour network on the net and on neo-Nazi internet providers.
  • This private initiative is intended to encourage internet users to exercise moral courage on the internet and to register far-right websites that glorify violence. Zusammen gegen rechts (ZgR, »Together against the Right on the Internet«) also aims to protect internet users susceptible to far-right propaganda; to disrupt or destroy the existing internet network among right-wing extremists; to educate the public regarding right-wing extremism on the net; and to advise providers or web hosters on how to deal with right-wing extremism on the net.
  • A virtual petition against racism and xenophobia and a downloadable »Gegen-Rechtsradikalismus« (Against Right-Wing Extremism) banner or logo can be found on this private site created by a media scientist from Thuringia. There are also links to sites that provide help for victims of far-right violence and to other initiatives against the Right.
  • The Domain is intended as a refuge for all those who speak out on the net against right-wing violence in Germany and who want to mobilize against it. It is also a private initiative, and also offers users the possibility to sign a virtual petition and to download an anti-right-wing logo. There are links to other initiatives against Nazis on the net.

Next article: Dates

Dossier #4: A look at internet projects and initiatives which deal with Nazis on the net in very different ways and in so doing, provide material for a discussion on the various strategies.

  1. Strategies against right-wing extremism on the net
  2. What should be done?
    (Katharina Hamann)
  3. Interview with
  4. Registering neo-Nazi sites online
  5. Students against the Right
  7. Children of the Holocaust
  8. Linklist for this issue
  9. Dates